Brevard County Air Conditioning

Indoor Air Quality Services
in Indian Harbour Beach, FL

For better control of your indoor air quality, it’s imperative that you get the right services and products. Wallace Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc offers professional indoor air quality services. These include: air cleaner installations, humidifiers and duct cleaning. All of these will improve the air quality inside of the home and help reduce health complications caused by bad indoor air problems.

The role of a humidifier is to take the dry air out of the home and replace it with moist and breathable air. Relative humidity is lower in the winter time. This means that the home’s indoor air is a lot dryer more so that other times of year.

Air cleaners are made to reduce the amount of pollutants that enter into the home. Unless you’re cleaning every second of the day; it’s almost impossible to get rid of all dust mites. So if you smoke indoors or run your HVAC system consistently, then you’re more at risk for pollutants.

Running the furnace all the time causes dirt and other pollutants to build up in our systems. Although we cannot see them, it’s an invisible problem that will clog up your ducts and cause them to not work. A duct cleaning in Indian Harbour Beach, FL can be exactly what you need to rid the home of such problems.


Air Cleaners

Air Cleaners

Poor indoor air pollution can cause lots of problems, especially to one’s health. Even some forms of cancer have been linked back to indoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution causes headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Air cleaners can extract them for good.
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Dry air is very common in the fall and winter time of year. Dry air is caused by running the heater too much. The relative humidity of the cold outdoor air drops which makes the air inside of the home turn dry and cause health issues. A humidifier can deliver back moisture into the air.
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Duct Cleaning

Duct Cleaning

Indoor air pollution is increasingly becoming a bigger problem. More people are smoking in their homes as opposed to the outdoors; they have mold growth inside their ducts and don’t clean as much as they should; which all contribute to indoor air pollution. Poor indoor air can not only cause problems with your health but also the HVAC system(S).
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If you are looking for Indoor Air Quality Services in Indian Harbour Beach, FL then please call 321-773-7696 or complete our online request form.

Brevard County Air Conditioning

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