Brevard County Air Conditioning

Dependable Heating Repairs
in Indian Harbour Beach, FL

heating-repairsWallace Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc can keep you home feeling cozy and warm. All repairs are performed by trained technicians. We your heating breaks, we are your one stop shop for HVAC services. Call today to schedule yours and save.

When a heating system ages, it needs regular maintenance and attention just like your car. We can repair the issue causing a lack of heating, and with regular routine maintenance we can help prevent future breakdowns and keep your heating system operating a peak efficiency.


The Need to Call a Professional

When your system suddenly stops working or you’re noticing higher electric or a gas bill; that’s an indication that you need to call a professional for repairs. We also offer an emergency service that attends to your system when others cannot.


Qualified Technicians

Repairs that occur inside of your Indian Harbour Beach, FL home are completed by qualified professionals. Only our professionals have the skills and knowledge that it takes to get a job completed in a certain amount of time.


Various Heater Types

If your heater stops working, it’s vital that you get it taken care of immediately. Repairs can be made to any of the following types of systems:

  • Forced Air
  • Radiant Heat
  • Steam Radiant
  • Hydronic
  • Geothermal



A furnace is one of the most commonly found heating types in most homes. Furnaces can be fueled by either gas or electric. If the fire has stopped burning inside of your gas furnace, then call for repairs as that may expel carbon monoxide throughout the home causing injury and in some cases death.


Eliminating Heating Bills

You can’t get rid of high heating bills during the winter months but you can balance them out by having your heater serviced. This will reduce cost and make your home become more energy efficient. You’ll also be preventing costly replacements in the near future.


Early Replacement

Once the heating system has last seen better days; it may be time to replace. Replacing a heater is very costly and time consuming. If yours has gotten to this point; it means that it’s either too old or has never been seen by a HVAC mechanic.

For professional heating repairs, come to who the area has been coming to for 50 years. Wallace Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc are the experts you need for an effective heating system. If it’s broke, we can fix it. Call today for some real expert advice.


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If you are looking for Heating Repairs in Indian Harbour Beach, FL then please call 321-773-7696 or complete our online request form.

Brevard County Air Conditioning